
Outdoor Cooking with a Cauldron

Outdoor Cooking with a Cauldron

Cooking outdoors on open fire is one of my great joys. Paella, outdoor pizza, pit roasts.  And then there is the cauldron. I recently got this fantastic little but mighty 2 quart cast iron cauldron and have been using it regularly every time I have a fire.  Since Covid, I have been having weekly fires with my neighbors and have put the cauldron to good use.  I have made everything from soup to hot teas in it.  I love using the medicinal herbs in my garden to brew in the cauldron while we are hanging out.  After a night of laughing, drumming, and focused intention, hot tea hits the spot.

You can use any kind of tea in your cauldron. I have been enjoying using any combination of the following from my garden: Passionflower, nettles, plums, mugwort, rue, marjorum, mint, sage, and dandelion. Put in a splash of honey and you have your brew. Just make sure whatever you add is indeed edible, and be careful to just add a touch of the bitter ones.

Here is a link to get your own cauldron if you are interested:

   Gathering Nettles for hot tea in my cauldron. Use gloves, or if you harvest barehanded, only touch the top of the leaves…


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