Past Cooking Classes

Fall is the time to turn down into our roots, to summon the elemental skills of earth & remember the stories of our ancestors. When we cook, the elements are no longer abstract concepts, they become concrete tools and skills that we can learn to hone and refine!

Chef Carin McKay and her long time friend Starhawk will be your guides through crafting a marvelous menu of magical offerings that draw upon the energies of the season. Learn to make heart-opening elixirs, to cook a feast for your ancestors, to celebrate the autumnal turn of the wheel with harvest foods and rituals as an act of self-care. Gather with a global community in a live, 3-week cookalong course- we’ll share laughter, stories, secret recipes and ritual through live sessions, downloadable content, and a private digital community.

At this powerful time of year, as we harvest the fruits of our labors, Earth Activist Training is honored to host Chef Carin McKay’s first virtual Culinary Magic kitchen portal. We believe that in addition to working the land, it’s vital to learn how to activate our home environments to provide nourishment, health and grounding.

Culinary Magic w/ Chef Carin McKay
COURSE: Oct 21st-Nov. 11th | 5:30-7:00 pm Pacific Time | $85


Watch an introduction to Culinary Magic with Chef Carin McKay and Starhawk below.

Culinary Magic is hosted within our new virtual community Earth Activists Online.
Visit to create your free profile!